Sunday, October 31, 2010

An Examination of an Explanation.

This entry is designed to outline my purpose.

To better understand my purpose, it would help a great deal to know a little bit about me.

My name is Joshua Clay.  I'm a white, male, 21, American, formerly-athletic, mostly straight, drug-familiar, journalism-studying, show-going creative with a penchant for the weird and the whimsical.

I have, for over a year now, been studying the occult formally(or, perhaps, in earnest).

However, long before this honest effort to delve into occultism, I have been investigating the more subtle sides of life.  This need not include anything particularly sensational.  At least, nothing sensational to the common perspectives.

I began my study a year ago with the intent to either prove or disprove the various tenets of all those claiming occult prowess.  Instead of either rejecting or accepting occultism, my results have been far more meddlesome to understand.  Most of this blog will read more like a philosophy volume than a magical text.

That being said, my mission for this blog is to outline and explain my findings, my reasonings, and my methods so that others can learn from what I've done and, hopefully, repeat my efforts. Through this repeated effort hopefully these findings can, for those of us who understand the tricky perspective that veils the occult being, be verified or nullified. This is a much a learning exercise for me as it is for the novice reader.

And, just to balance out all this verbiage with some of my normal personality, I'd like to end by saying a few words:

Cunt. Dildo. B-hole. Dubious.

That's all until the next post,
Good night.

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